Left to right: (front) Gavin Near , Ian Fitzmaurice, Devin Fitzmaurice, and Emily Allen with (back) Board President Kyle Lyles, Interim Superintendent Annemarie Barkman, and Board Vice President Sasha Kubicek
At the November 16th Board of Education Meeting, the newly elected officers of the Catskill Elementary Student Council were sworn into office by Board President Kyle Lyles and Interim Superintendent Annemarie Barkman. After taking their oath of office, fifth graders Emily Allen (President), Devin Fitzmaurice (Vice President), Ian Fitzmaurice (Treasurer), and Gavin Near (Secretary) were each presented with a certificate of appreciation from the Board.
The CCSD Board of Education has sworn CES Student Council members into office for the past eight years. “It is a wonderful honor for our organization,” remarked Barbara Erceg, who advises the CES Student Council.
Each year, fifth grade members of the Student Council are nominated by other members of the Council to hold office. The candidates campaign for two weeks with posters, pencils, buttons, etc. The school holds its election on our country’s national Election Day, which this year was November 8th. Using ballots, fourth and fifth graders vote during homeroom for their favorite candidates.
During the school year, the Student Council is responsible for many positive projects both in school and throughout our community.