Catskill High School art teacher Wendy Doney made a visit to the Catskill Rotary luncheon recently to bring their membership up to speed on the new art programs offered at the high school this year. She shared the types of projects students are now enjoying through classes such as Studio Art, 2-Dimensional Design and 3-Dimensional Design and talked about future art programs slated for next year as well. To go along with her talk, Mrs. Doney brought along examples of her students’ artwork as well as some of her own art. She also shared how Catskill art programs connect students with the greater community. For example, students at the high school are currently designing a Cat’n Around Catskill statue sponsored by Tori-G’s Pizza Place. She explained that, because of the nature of the design on their cat, any student who chose to could be involved in decorating it. Their cat will be on display in the Village of Catskill later this spring. Shown here, Mrs. Doney receives a certificate of appreciation from Rotary president Joe McCarthy during the luncheon.