The Catskill High School Student Government is holding its annual “Santa’s Helpers” campaign early this year! Students will be shaking cans November 16-19. Our students help community members in need by providing food baskets to families. The money that is collected will be used to supply a weeks worth of food to approximately 65 families in our community. This time-honored fundraiser has had the cooperation of local businesses for the past 60 years.
The Catskill High School’s Santa’s Helpers fund drive will begin Thursday, November 16th, at various business locations throughout the town and village. Student volunteers will be shaking cans through rain, sleet, or snow to help raise money to provide assistance (food and other necessities) through the holidays for some of our friends and neighbors.
Students will be shaking cans on the following dates and times:
Thursday, November 16th, from 3-9 P.M.
Friday, November 17th, from 3-9 P.M.
Saturday, November 18th, from 7 A.M. to 9 P.M.
Sunday, November 19th, from 7 A.M. to 9 P.M.
Catskill High School Student Government would like to thank all of the businesses that are allowing us to collect money. Local organizations can make contributions during our Santa’s Helpers collection times or send a check to “CHS Student Government,” memo: Santa’s Helpers and drop it off in the high school main office. We could not do it without your support.
Please participate in this wonderful community cause and help our students as they continue to support and reach out to fellow community members this holiday season. Anyone having questions about this event can contact Jennifer Leibowitz or Erin Holdridge-Carlile at Catskill High School, 518-943-2300.
Catskill High School Student Government and our entire student body thank the Catskill community in advance, for making another year of Santa’s Helpers a success and best wishes for a happy, safe, and enjoyable holiday season.