Meet Catskill Elementary School’s Cat’n Around Catskill cat for 2019. “Cattails” will be on display on Main Street now through mid-September. Each student K-5 lent their talent to this colorful kitty, who tells the story of what lives above and below the waterline of a New York pond. Look amongst the seaweed and you’ll find clams, fish, turtles, and maybe even an otter. Above you’ll find birds, dragonflies, and of course, Cattails! CES art teacher Jenifer Allison came up with this year’s overall design and our student took turns painting it during art class.
Cattails is sponsored by the Catskill Teacher’s Association. It joins other cats by local artists (including students at CHS) on display around downtown Catskill and will be auctioned off as part of The Heart of Catskill Association’s Cat’s Meow Gala and Auction on September 21, 2019. If you are on Main St. this summer, be sure to give it a look.