It may be ghosts and ghouls season, but there is nothing more monstrous than bullying. On October 23, Catskill Middle School welcomed illusionist Ryan Dutcher from the Don’t Be A Monster organization, who talked about the very real issue of bullying and sent a strong message of tolerance and inclusion.
“Your decisions today can affect someone’s life five minutes from now, five days from now, or even five years from now,” Mr. Dutcher told the students. “Speak up when you see someone being spoken down to. Be an upstander, not a bystander. You guys can make it stop.”
Through videos and discussion, our 6th, 7th, 8th and graders learned about different types of bullying, positive ways to stand up to bullying behavior, and how to create a culture of kindness.
The presentation also included a guest appearance from Frank Shelly, the presentation’s mascot, who dished out hi-fives and reminded everyone to be kind to others regardless of who they are, what they look like, or what they believe.
Don’t Be A Monster provided this presentation at no cost to our school thanks to sponsorship from Headless Horseman Hay Rides and Haunted Houses.