Important Letter from Dr. Cook – Extended School Closure – March 27, 2020

Dear Parents and Guardians:

Governor Andrew Cuomo announced today that all public schools in New York State will remain closed until April 15 due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. That date falls in the middle of our Spring Recess. However, at this point, the District has not received any further guidance from the NYS Education Department regarding the scheduled closing period and how that may affect Spring Recess. Once we have that guidance, we will inform the school community of any clarification.

As a result of the extended school closure, there is a need to provide your child with additional learning materials and resources.  Our teachers initially provided materials to last through April 1, 2020. This time, I have requested that teachers prepare 4 weeks of additional extended learning materials, in case the school closure is extended again.

The additional materials will be uploaded on to the District’s website on Thursday, April 2, 2020.  The hard copy learning materials will be available on Friday, April 3, 2020 for pick up. Please contact the main office staff in your child’s school next week if you need to pick up the extended learning materials. A staff member will be available from 8:00am-2:00pm, Monday through Friday next week.

All students are expected to complete the assignments as they will be recorded and graded. A drop box will be located at the front door of each school for completed work that cannot be submitted online.

Grades 3-8 Elementary and Intermediate Assessments

Due to the spread of the COVID 19 virus, the State Department of Education suspended all Grades 3-8 Elementary and Intermediate Assessments. This includes the following:

·     New York State Grades 3-8 English Language Arts Tests

·     New York State Grades 3-8 Mathematics Tests

·     New York State Grade 4 Elementary-Level Science Test

·     New York State Grade 8 Intermediate-Level Science Test

·     New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) in Grades K-12

·     New York State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA) for students with severe cognitive disabilities in Grades 3-8 and high school

Google Chromebook Distribution

The Technology Team will be distributing Chromebooks to parents on Friday, April 3, 2020. Parents will need to complete a loaner form. The loaner form is provided in the link below. Please complete the form and bring it with you on Friday. The District is also working with our local cable company for “hot spot” access. If you do not have internet access at home, then you will need to bring your child’s Google username and password with you when you pick up the Chromebook. Chromebooks will be available for pick up at each school. Please contact Mr. Don Marino (518) 701-1231 prior to Friday, April 3, 2020, for any additional information regarding the Chromebooks. 


Friday, April 3, 2020 is the last day of the 3rd Marking Period. As a result of this unforeseen situation, grades through the 3rd Quarter will be based on assignments completed through the week of March 9-13. Any materials returned to us during the initial closure period will count towards extra credit. The principals and I will discuss 4th Quarter grading expectations early next week. Additional information is forthcoming.

Special Education and Special Service Providers

Special Education and Special Service Providers, including Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech / Language, Counseling, English Language Learners continue to have the health and safety of their students and our faculty as a priority. We are unable to provide in-person services. Each provider will continue to connect with you and your child to provide services outlined in the IEP to the greatest extent feasible and appropriate.  Additional information and guidance is forthcoming.

Maintaining Communication

Our teachers are doing an extraordinary job with maintaining communication with their students. Please email your child’s teacher(s) and or the building principal if you are experiencing any issues with communication.

Spring Recess, 2020-2021 Budget Vote, Board Elections and Regents Examinations, Etc.

We are awaiting guidance from SED regarding the pandemic’s impact on Spring Recess, the 2020-2021 Budget Vote, Board Elections, Regents Examinations, etc. Additional information is forthcoming.

Child Care

Child Care Connections is a Child Care Resource and Referral Agency serving Columbia, Greene, and Ulster Counties. They provide child care referrals for families, as well as trains child care providers, sponsors the Child and Adult Care Food Program, and registers and inspects family day care and school age child care programs in all three counties.

Contact information:

Program Director for Columbia/Greene office: Suzanne Holdridge – (518) 822-1944 ext. 105
Team Leader for tri-county region (Ulster, Columbia and Greene): Kerry Wolfeil – (845) 331-7080 ext 134
Child Care Connections Program Director: Penny L. Dombrowski – 845-331-7080 ext. 132   845-331-0526 (fax)

The Family’s Child Care Council was established in 1984 to provide child care resource and referral services in Ulster County under contract to Work/Family Directions. Prior to that, Family of Woodstock Inc. ran a family day care training project for the Ulster County Department of Social Services, as well as sponsoring a licensed child care center and after-school program. The Child Care Council participated as a subcontractor in the first family day care training project awarded to the New York State Child Care Coordinating Council by New York State Department of Social Services. In 1988, the Child Care Council expanded services to Columbia and Greene Counties and became the publicly funded child care resource and referral service for the tri-county area.

Food Program

Updated information regarding the food program can be found in the link below.

In closing, I thank you for your continued patience and support during this unfortunate situation. We will overcome this pandemic. Please stay safe and healthy!


Dr. Ronel Cook,

Superintendent of Schools

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