CHS 2020 Virtual Summer School

Catskill High School is offering a Virtual Summer School for in-district students that need to recover credits lost during this past school year. The program will run from Monday, July 6 through Thursday, August 13 with no classes on Fridays. Registration will be virtual, and can be found on the CHS Virtual Summer School website. If you are unable to register virtually, please call the High School at (518) 943-2300 and leave a message at extension 2175. Someone will return your call to schedule an appointment. If you have any other questions, please reach out to your child’s counselor. If your child’s last name begins with the letters A-L, their counselor is Mrs. Konsul, and her email address is If your child’s last name begins with the letters M-Z, their counselor is Mrs. Duncan, and her email address is Thank you!

Learn more by visiting our Catskill High School Virtual Summer School Website here…

CHS Virtual Summer School with Catskill logo and image of laptop

Posted in District, High School.