The District will be facilitating our Virtual Parent Reentry Guide – Social and Emotional Support Workshop for Parents to Help Their Children During the 100% Virtual Instruction Period on Thursday, September 3, 7:00 p.m. via Zoom webinar. The purpose of this workshop is to provide our parents with resources to support their child’s social and emotional well being during the pandemic and 100% virtual learning periods. It will be facilitated by Ms. Raina Cunzio and Ms. Amber Saracino.
Provided below are materials for Thursday’s workshop. Parents should read this information in preparation for the meeting.
- Catskill Parent Reentry Guide
- Catskill Local Supports – District Specific
- UCLA Brief COVID-19 Screening Form
Meeting Invitation Information:
Topic: Parent Reentry Guide- Social and Emotional Support Workshop for Parents to Help Their Children During the 100% Virtual Instruction Period
Time: Sep 3, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 836 6084 2760
Passcode: 016210