Dear CES Families,
As we enter a season full of sharing and treats, I wanted to share with you these important guidelines.
Because of the unique circumstances this year has brought us, all treats or shared snacks you send
to school with your child must be store-bought, individually wrapped, and sealed. This includes
any food your child might bring to share a birthday, a class party, or a holiday celebration. Currently,
we cannot allow baked goods and other homemade treats to be shared in classrooms.
In addition, we appreciate your mindfulness of any serious nut or other food allergies that may exist
among your child’s classmates. If you have a question, your child’s teachers can let you know what
foods are safe or appropriate for their classrooms.
As always, thank you for your understanding and support as we continue to advance through the
school year. Please feel free to call the CES Main Office with questions at 518-943-0574