Autumn Doney, a Catskill High School graduate who recently earned her bachelor’s degree in graphic and web design from SUNY Oneonta, videoconferenced with Mrs. Doney’s Graphic Design class at CHS to speak about her experience in art. Autumn spoke about how she got into the subject of graphics and described how she navigated her way through college, experiencing the same remote/virtual learning that our students have had since last March.
She expressed the importance of doing “what you have a passion for” and to take as many classes as you can in different areas that you might be interested in. She fielded questions about her experience in college, the courses she took, the advice she was given, etc. She spoke about the many different directions her time at school took her in before she found, and fell in love with, her major.
Autumn is currently working as an artist in her field of study as a freelancer and as an apprentice under a local internationally-known artist. Understanding what the high school students are going through, as she had to stop in-person learning at college, she could relate and give advice as more of a peer than an adult. We appreciated Autumn’s willingness to speak to the class and give students some insight from her perspective!