Mid-Hudson Special Education Task Force Presents – Tapping Into Our Community: Resources for School-Age Youth with Disabilities in the Mid-Hudson Valley
Looking for ways to get your student engaged in the community and socializing with others in a healthy and positive way?
Join the Mid-Hudson Special Education Task Force on June 2, 2021 at 6:00 P.M. for an evening of information sharing. Representatives and volunteers from local organizations will offer information about available activities, events, and services geared toward school-age and transitioning youth with disabilities. You’ll learn about local social skills groups, camps, sports leagues, school-to-work programs, music classes, and more. Participants will also have the opportunity to share any resources that they may have. A handout listing the resources will be provided.
Parents, educators, service providers, advocates, individuals with disabilities,
and the general community are encouraged to attend!
Register online HERE
**Upon registration a ZOOM link will be sent to you
to access this virtual workshop