Welcome to First Grade
Supply List 2021-2022
*Please label all supplies.*
4 sturdy pocket folders
2 composition notebooks
1 notebook (half page ruled primary journal)
3 boxes of 24 count crayons
10-12 thin low odor dry erase/Expo markers
4 boxes of pencils (Ticonderoga preferred)
Pencil top erasers
24 glue sticks
Zipper pencil pouch OR pencil box
Ziploc bags (1 box gallon size & 1 box quart size)
Tissues (that will fit in the desk)
Earbuds/headphones in a Ziploc bag with name on it
Hand sanitizer
*Please no pencil sharpeners, markers or colored pencils.
**We will help the children fill their pouch/box with supplies. All extra supplies will be kept in a Ziploc bag and stored until needed.