Nov. 19 Vaccination Pod for Students 12 & Older – Please Complete Survey by Nov. 4

Catskill Central School District has collaborated with the Greene County Department of Public Health to organize a vaccination pod on Friday, November 19, 2021 for Catskill CSD students who are ages 12 and older. We are asking that any parent/guardian interested in having your child vaccinated to please complete the following survey by Thursday, November 4, 2021, so that we are better able to provide the DOPH with accurate information. 

Survey link: rJ6N8gzAhN6

As many of you may be aware, the CDC just approved the Pfizer vaccine for children ages 5-11. At this time, it is our understanding that the November 19 pod is intended for those ages 12 and over, due to the dose for children 5-11 being different and authorization just having come down. If we become aware of an opportunity for children ages 5-11 here in the District, we will let you know.

Posted in District.