At its April 12 meeting, the Board of Education adopted the proposed budget for the 2022-2023 school year. The budget was created to continue Catskill Central School District’s current student programs, while reducing the burden to our taxpayers. The budget totals $48,576,001 and carries a projected tax levy increase of 1.85%, which is under the District’s NYS tax cap of 3.52%. The budget is up a total of $2,523,728 (5.48%) from the current year’s budget. The District applied $3,361,796 in fund balance to reduce the tax levy increase.
The Board also adopted a separate proposition to go before voters that would allow the District to bond up to $400,000 over a five-year period to replace aging maintenance and grounds equipment, as well as purchase a 16-passenger school bus for field trips, after-school extracurricular activities, and other special-area student transportation needs that are not easily met through our contracted busing service.
You can learn more at our public hearing on the budget, scheduled for May 4, 6:00 p.m. in the Catskill High School library.
Additional information is available on our Budget Information Page, with more to be added in the next few weeks. More information will also be provided in our budget newsletter mailed out in May.
The annual School Budget Vote and Board Election is May 17, 2022 from 1:00–9:00 p.m. in the Catskill High School gymnasium.