Dear Catskill High School Families:
Spring has sprung, and we are officially at the end of the school year! Thank you for your patience
while we navigated through many hurdles this year. We wanted to make sure you were aware of the
different end of year activities going on in the building that affect all students. See below:
Thursday, May 26 Half Day, Spirit Rally!
Friday, May 27 – Monday, May 30 No School, Memorial Day Weekend
Wednesday, June 1 US History Regents, only students taking exam report to school, asynchronous for all others
Tuesday, June 14 Last Day of Classes
Wednesday, June 15 Friday, June 17 Regents Exams, No Classes
Monday, June 20 No School, Juneteenth Holiday Observed
Tuesday, June 21 – Thursday, June 23 Regents Exams, No Classes
Friday, June 24 Class of 2022 Graduation, 6 PM
On June 1st, we will be closed for the US History Regents. All other students are expected to login
to Google Classroom from home and complete assignments posted by their teachers. There will be
no live instruction via Google Meet on June 1st.
This is a sprinkling of the different activities going on the last few weeks of school. Please speak with
your child about any other events they may need to attend that are not listed above. More
information regarding Chromebook return and Summer School will be made available within the next
few weeks.
A copy of this year’s Regents schedule is also attached. Phones, watches, headphones, and any
other pieces of technology are taken at the door. After June 14, students are only to report to school
for their exams. As always, please check the district website at for the most up
to date information. Thank you!
Mr. Junait Shah