High School Principal Update

Dear Catskill CSD Community,

At Wednesday night’s Board of Education meeting the BOE voted to place an employee on administrative leave.  Actions such as these are tough decisions, made carefully and with total understanding and guidance to ensure that the district is complying with laws and regulations.  Recently, I advised the board of a situation regarding one of our employees.  Facts of this situation were checked by multiple agencies and we consulted with the district’s attorney.  It was determined that to be in compliance with the New York State Education Department laws and regulations, we had no choice but to take the action we did on Wednesday night and place this employee on administrative leave.  The district has an obligation to ensure we employ qualified individuals.  We are hopeful that the employee will be considered qualified soon and return from leave.  While we are waiting, Mr. John Rivers will be “Acting Principal” of Catskill High School and the district will be posting for an Interim Principal as it is unknown as to the amount of time it will take this individual to become qualified.  We would like to thank the CSD Community for its patience and understanding as we navigate this situation.

Dr. Dan Wilson

Posted in District.