Dr Wilson Discusses Extra Curriculars (with a Side of Donuts)

Catskill’s superintendent of schools, Dr. Dan Wilson, hosted our second Donuts with Dr. Dan community conversation on November 20. The topic for this session was extracurricular activities. Dr. Wilson discussed the many types of extracurriculars Catskill CSD offers student at CES, CMS, and CHS, including sports and a large variety of clubs, music, and theatre opportunities. He also discussed how these programs are selected, organized and funded, and how factors such as student interest and shrinking enrollment can affect extracurricular offerings.

Our next Donuts with Dr. Dan session will be on Mental Health & Supports January 15 at 2:30 p.m., location TBD. See full schedule…

Dr Wilson talking to audience in middle school cafeteria

Posted in District.