December 31, 2020 Dear Catskill CSD Community: Please allow this letter to serve as follow-up correspondence to my previous notifications (December 22, 2020 and December 30, 2020) with COVID related matters and the need to analyze the data with regards to Greene County’s infection rate. As of December 29, 2020, the county’s seven (7) day […]
Author Archive: Catskill CSD
Update From Dr. Cook Regarding Return to Instruction on January 4
December 30, 2020 Dear Catskill CSD Community, With the COVID-19 numbers in our area being what they are, I am aware many of you are wondering what affect this may have on our school’s plans to return to in-person hybrid learning on Monday, January 4, 2021. I wanted to take this moment to assure you […]
Santa’s Helpers Thank Community for Collection’s Success
On behalf of Catskill High School’s student government, we would like to thank the Catskill community for your generous support of Santa’s Helpers this year. Because of your support, we were able to provide assistance to 53 local families. We raised $6,400, all of which was used to purchase gift cards for Price Chopper. We […]
Important Information from Dr. Cook- December 22, 2020- Winter Break, Travel Advisory and Celebrating Responsibly
December 22, 2020 Dear Catskill CSD Community: Happy holidays to you and your family! Please be reminded that Wednesday, December 23, 2020 is a half day of school and the final day before Winter Recess. The District is scheduled to reopen on Monday, January 4, 2021. As the District continues to be proactive in a […]
Important Information from Dr. Cook- Hybrid In-person Instruction Resumes at CES Monday, December 21 & Tuesday, December 22, 2020 – MS/HS Remain on Virtual Instruction
December 19, 2020 Dear Catskill CSD Community: Hybrid in-person instruction resumes at Catskill Elementary School Monday, December 21, 2020 and Tuesday, December 22, 2020. Wednesday, December 23, 2020 is a half day of school and the final day before Winter Recess. Please be reminded that Catskill Middle and High School students will continue virtual learning […]
COVID-19 Zone Notice – Onsite Testing Consent
December 18, 2020 Update January 5, 2021 – On January 4th, Governor Cuomo indicated that schools may begin testing if the infection rate in their communities meets or exceeds 9 percent. Schools are currently awaiting clarification and guidance from the Governor’s office as to how this may apply to our area. Dear Catskill CSD Community: […]
Important Information from Dr. Cook- Positive COVID Case on Secondary Campus– MS/HS Shift to Virtual Instruction through December 23, Hybrid In-person Instruction Continues at CES
(December 15, 2020) Dear Catskill CSD Community: This afternoon, at approximately 1:30pm, I was contacted by representatives from the Greene County Department of Public Health, who brought to my attention that a Catskill High School student tested positive for COVID-19. The student’s last day physical day in attendance was on Friday, December 11, 2020. The […]
CMS Honor Rolls – 1st Quarter
Congratulations to the following Catskill Middle School students who made the Honor Rolls for the 1st Quarter of the 2020-2021 school year: HIGH HONOR ROLL 1st Quarter 2020-2021 6th GRADE Emmorsen Abrahamsen, Lyriq Blue, Anjoli Bosquez, Lila Cartwright, Jenya Deyo, Julianna Di Giovanni, Kiara Dugan, Leo Gottesman, Emily Heim, Lorenzo Ivery II, Garrett Jeune, Isabel […]
CHS Honor Rolls – 1st Quarter
Catskill High School 1st Quarter, 2020-21 High Honor 12th Grade High Honor – McKenzie Breunig-Smith, Kristina Caraballo, Matthew Caro, Deandra Catterson, Serena Craigie-Carter, Malachi Cruz, Madison Delavega, Alexandra Espel, Cesar Franco Jr., Sianna Gatto, Alexey Guenthner, Mya Harvey, Ava Higgins, Paul Jaen, Leviticus Johnson, Jonathan Kent, Kaitlyn Knapp, Sara Leipman, Brandon Liardo, Destin Ly, Salvatore […]
Catskill Academy Positive Case Does Not Impact Catskill CSD
December 8, 2020 Dear Catskill CSD Community, Please be advised that a Catskill Academy student, whose home school is in another District, tested positive for COVID. It was confirmed that the student has not entered the high school and / or come into contact with Catskill CSD students. As a result, the District will continue […]