(Issued September 21, 2020) The Patroon Conference will be following New York State Department of Health Guidance for the reopening of sports during the COVID pandemic this Fall. The priority in the conference is to keep our athletes, coaches, staff and communities healthy. We ask that all spectators adhere to the following guidelines: Prior to […]
Author Archive: Catskill CSD
Patroon Conference General Guidelines & Guidelines for Athletes, Coaches & Parents
(Issued September 21, 2020) The districts within the Patroon Conference are dedicated to minimizing risk to our athletes, coaches, event personnel and communities. With that in mind all districts will be adhering to the following guidelines: General: All athletes and coaches traveling to another district will be screened (temperature check) prior to loading the bus(es). […]
Patroon Conference Guidelines for Interscholastic Athletics
The Patroon Conference has released its health and safety guidelines for interscholastic athletics. These guidelines apply to all schools within the conference.
CMS Open House September 24
Please join us the evening of Thursday, September 24 for Catskill Middle School’s Virtual Open Houses via Zoom. Please click the links below to join! We hope to see you there. Go Cats! Grade 6: 5:30 p.m. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85035194428?pwd=b2h1TUVLY0JwSzR6d3lwSmxHaWFxZz09 Grade 7: 6:30 p.m. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87101103699?pwd=U0wzakp1YjZTQ2wyWVBiOURROGVjZz09 Grade 8: 7:15 p.m. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82512363942?pwd=V3BBRi9MUXIxZktJQ2RWL1ZUUGhtQT09
Fall Sports Tryout Dates
Fall sports start September 21. Tryout times and locations are listed here…
Join Us Wednesdays for CMS Town Hall Meetings
Catskill Middle School is hosting Town Hall Meetings for parents on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. Please join us for school updates and a Question & Answer session. Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89644170618?pwd=OHZwM0VNNnN4TU1IMHRjQTMzZXcvdz09
Classroom Materials Distribution
A special thanks to all the staff who helped organize and distribute classroom materials on September 10 and 11. Pictured here are the staff at the High School who distributed materials to approximately 400 students!
Classroom Material and Chromebook Pick-Up September 10 & 11
All classroom materials and Chromebooks will be made available for pick-up on Thursday, September 10, 2020 and Friday, September 11, 2020. The schedule and pick-up locations are listed here…
2020-21 CHS Acknowledgement of Student Handbook
Catskill High School students, please follow the link to complete your Acknowledgement of 2020-21 CHS Student Handbook. *students can only access the form if they are signed on to their school google account
CHS Parent-Student Handbook 2020-21
CHS Parent-Student Handbook 2020-2021