Patroon Conference Guidelines for Spectators

(Issued September 21, 2020) The Patroon Conference will be following New York State Department of Health Guidance for the reopening of sports during the COVID pandemic this Fall. The priority in the conference is to keep our athletes, coaches, staff and communities healthy. We ask that all spectators adhere to the following guidelines:  Prior to […]

Patroon Conference General Guidelines & Guidelines for Athletes, Coaches & Parents

(Issued September 21, 2020) The districts within the Patroon Conference are dedicated to minimizing risk to our athletes, coaches, event personnel and communities. With that in mind all districts will be adhering to the following guidelines: General: All athletes and coaches traveling to another district will be screened (temperature check) prior to loading the bus(es). […]

Catskill Middle School

CMS Open House September 24

Please join us the evening of  Thursday, September 24 for Catskill Middle School’s Virtual Open Houses via Zoom. Please click the links below to join! We hope to see you there. Go Cats! Grade 6: 5:30 p.m. Grade 7: 6:30 p.m. Grade 8: 7:15  p.m.  

women wearing masks in cafeteria with tables of school supplies

Classroom Materials Distribution

A special thanks to all the staff who  helped organize and distribute classroom materials on September 10 and 11. Pictured here are the staff at the High School who distributed materials to approximately  400 students!