Legal Notice – Capital project



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Board of Education of the Catskill Central School District on December 19, 2018 that a special meeting of the qualified voters of the School District be and the same is hereby called to be held in the gymnasium lobby of the Catskill Middle School, 345 West Main Street, Catskill, New York 12414 on Tuesday, February 12, 2019 from 1:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. prevailing time for the purpose of voting on the following proposition:


SHALL the Board of Education of the Catskill Central School District be authorized to (1) construct additions to and reconstruct various School District buildings and facilities, including site work thereat, acquire original furnishings, equipment, machinery or apparatus required for the purpose for which such buildings and facilities are to be used and pay incidental costs related thereto, at a maximum cost of $40,795,000, (2) expend such sum for such purpose, including $4,000,000 from the Capital Reserve Fund, (3) levy the necessary tax therefor, taking into account State aid received and the amount expended from the Capital Reserve Fund, to be levied and collected in annual installments in such years and such amounts as may be determined by the Board of Education, and (4) in anticipation of the collection of such tax, issue bonds and notes at one time or from time to time in the principal amount not to exceed $36,795,000, and levy a tax to pay the interest on said obligations when due?

The vote upon such proposition shall be registered upon voting machines or by absentee ballot.  The hours during which the polls shall be kept open shall be from 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. prevailing time or for as long thereafter as necessary to enable qualified voters who are in the polling place at 9:00 p.m. to cast their ballots.

The School District has walk-in voter registration and any person may register to vote with the School District from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday on days when the District Offices are open, at the Board Clerk’s Office, 343 West Main Street, Catskill, New York, until January 29, 2019 for the Vote on February 12, 2019.

Any person shall be entitled to have his/her name placed upon the register provided that he/she personally appears and is known or proven to the satisfaction of the Board Clerk to be then or thereafter entitled to vote at the School District Vote on February 12, 2019.  No person shall be entitled to vote whose name does not appear either on the register of the School District or on the appropriate election district register of the Greene County Board of Elections.

The register of voters so prepared shall be filed in the Board  Clerk’s office and shall be open for inspection by any qualified voter of the School District on weekdays between the hours  of  8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., prevailing time, on each of the five days prior to the Vote and in the polling place during the Vote.

Applications for absentee ballots may be obtained at the Office of the Board Clerk, 343 West Main Street, Catskill, New York.  Applications for absentee ballots must be received by the Board Clerk at least seven (7) days prior to the Vote (by February 12, 2019) if the ballot is to be  mailed to the voter or by February 11, 2019 if the ballot will be picked up personally by the voter at the Office of the Board Clerk.  All qualified voters who meet the criteria for “permanently disabled” and are so certified by the Greene County Board of Elections will receive absentee ballots by mail.  Absentee ballots must be received in the Office of the Board Clerk not later than 5:00 p.m. on the day of the Vote (February 12, 2019).  A list of all persons to whom absentee  ballots shall have been issued will be available for inspection to qualified voters of the District at the Office of the Board Clerk during regular office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., until the day of the Vote.



Judy Kusminsky

Board Clerk