Download 4th grade Supply List…
Please DO NOT LABEL NOTEBOOKS OR FOLDERS with a subject or teacher name. We do that in school on the first day. Please label all other supplies including the lunchbox with your child’s name.
Bring to School
General Supplies:
The supplies listed below will get your child started, but will need to be replaced as they are used up.
- earbuds/headphones in labeled ziploc bag
- 1 box of pencils
- erasers
- 2-highlighters (different colors)
- 1-zipper pouch (no plastic boxes)
- colored pencils or crayons
- glue sticks
- scissors
- 4-8 dry erase markers
- box of tissues
- baby wipes
English Language Arts:
● 2 black & white composition notebooks
● 2 pocket folders
- reading (red)
- writing (orange))
- 1-pocket folder (purple)
- 1-pocket folder (green)
- 1½” binder
Social Studies:
- 1 black and white composition notebook
- 1 pocket folder (blue)
- 1-3 subject notebook (not college ruled)
- 1 pocket folder (yellow)
Please have these materials on hand at home:
- Pencils
- Colored Pencils or Crayons
- glue sticks
- scissors