Public Participation

Public participation is encouraged at Board meetings. Members of the public have two opportunities each meeting to address the Board: during Visitor Recognition at the beginning of the meeting and again at the end of the meeting during the Public Comment period. Anyone wanting to address the Board during “Visitor Recognition” should sign-in with the District Clerk before the beginning of the meeting and identify name, contact information and subject to be presented. Please see Policy 1230 Public Participation at Board Meetings for more details.

The Board (as allowed by the Open Meetings Law) conducts the following business in Executive Session:

  • Matters of public safety
  • Matters that may disclose the identity of a law-enforcement officer or informer
  • Matters related to a criminal investigation
  • Litigation
  • Collective bargaining
  • Confidential information concerning a particular person or corporation
  • Preparation, grading or administration of examinations
  • Proposed acquisition, sale or lease of real property

For more information on the Open Meetings Law and the Committee on Open Government which oversees this law, go to