AHERA Availability of Asbestos Management Plans Notification

In compliance with 40 CFR 763.93 regulations and the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), this will serve as an annual notification of the availability of the Asbestos Management Plans (AMP) located at the  Business Office. Questions should be directed to the Business Office at (518) 943-4550.

The required triennial inspections of all confirmed and assumed asbestos containing building materials are recorded in the Asbestos Management Plans.  Triennial Inspections are performed during July every three years.  Surveillance activities of the condition of the asbestos containing building materials in the District’s buildings are conducted on an ongoing basis every six months during June/July and December/January and the AMP’s are updated to reflect any changes on a continuous basis.

In the event of a planned asbestos project or response action becomes necessary, notification will be posted within 10 days prior to such action.  In case of an emergency response, notice will be posted immediately at the site and appropriate follow up notification will be issued in the most timely manner available.

All records of such activities are on file in the AMP in school buildings and the District’s Business Office.