Board Meeting Rescheduled

Due to the school closure effective March 18th, the Regular Board meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 18th at 6:30pm has been rescheduled to today, Tuesday, March 17th at 5:30pm. The agenda will remain the same except for the removal of the Superintendent’s Report items which will be rescheduled to the next Board meeting. In an […]

Deanna Costello

Costello is February’s Employee of the Month

Catskill Middle School teaching assistant Deanna Costello is Catskill Central School District’s Employee of the Month for February! Ms. Costello will receive a certificate of recognition at the March 18, 2020 Board of Education meeting and use of that coveted Employee of the Month parking space! The Board of Education and Superintendent of Schools bestow […]

Integrity  •  Perseverance  •  Compassion