Man in Frankenstein costume hi-fives boy

Don’t Be A Monster

It may be ghosts and ghouls season, but there is nothing more monstrous than bullying. On October 23, Catskill Middle School welcomed illusionist Ryan Dutcher from the Don’t Be A Monster organization, who talked about the very real issue of bullying and sent a strong message of tolerance and inclusion […]

Hudson Talbott poses with third grade students and Dr. Cook at table with his books

Children’s Author Hudson Talbott Visits CES

Children’s author Hudson Talbott visited Catskill’s third grade to share with our student how he writes and draws his books. Mr. Talbott is the author and illustrator of more than twenty titles, including River Of Dreams, about the Hudson River, and Picturing America, about Hudson River School painter Thomas Cole. Mr. Talbott also donated several […]

Integrity  •  Perseverance  •  Compassion