Catskill Grads Come Back to Give Back
Recently, Bank of Greene County executives Donald McCormick and Joseph Rothrock visited Catskill High School to speak to Ms. Ferrara’s College Readiness class about college financial aid.
CHS Student, Teacher Featured Speakers @ Mental Health Education Summit
Catskill health teacher Colleen Clancy and high school senior Georgianna Velie had the honor of being featured speakers at MHANYS’ Mental Health Education in Schools Summit.
Catskill Board of Ed. Candidate Petitions Now Available
Nominating petitions for Board of Education candidates are available from the Board Clerk now through April 17, 2017 business days between the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Flag Commemorates Service, Appreciation
A symbol of freedom and service with a bit of history behind it now hangs in the Catskill Central School District office.
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