Catskill District-Wide Annual Art Show at C-GCC

Catskill’s art department enjoyed another successful turnout for our annual District-wide Art Show at Columbia-Greene Community College. Select art students from Ms. Alison’s kindergarten through fifth grade classes, Ms. Gazoorian’s middle school classes, and Mrs. Doney’s high school classes were chosen to have their artwork displayed at the college throughout the month of May. While only so many could be chosen due to limited space, the show was a representation of our students’ creativity and talent from each level at Catskill CSD. The opening reception was May 9 and a line out the door had formed by the time the doors opened! Students, families, friends, community members, teachers, and board members were all there to enjoy and support of the arts. We look forward to this show each year as a culmination of our students’ hard work throughout the year.


Posted in District, Elementary School, High School, Middle School.