Alyssa Dyer, Director of Pupil Personnel Services
Catskill Elementary School
770 Embought Road
Catskill, NY 12414
Telephone (518) 943-0574 ext. 3307
Fax: (518) 943-5397
Committee on Special Education
Catskill CSD’s Committee on Special Education (CSE) is a multi-disciplinary team that determines if students are eligible for special education and ensures they get the services they need. This committee is responsible for students with disabilities who are between the ages of 5-21. After a student has been referred to the committee and a multidisciplinary evaluation of the student has been completed, the committee will meet to review the information and determine of the child has a disability. If a student is classified as having a disability, this committee will develop an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) for the student and place the student in the least restrictive environment possible. The committee will meet at least once a year to review the student’s programs and services. Every three years the student will undergo a re-evaluation process to ensure that the student continues to qualify for services as a student with a disability.
Committee on Special Education Members
The team consists of the following people:
- District representative, usually the Director of Special Education
- Parent(s) or Legal Guardian(s) of the student
- Regular education teacher
- Special education teacher
- School psychologist
- Student (student is invited at age 15 and up)
- School physician, if requested by the parent
- Any other person who has knowledge or special expertise regarding the student, as requested by the parent or the school district
Referral Process
A student believed to have a disability shall be referred in writing to the Assistant to the Superintendent, Director of Special Education PreK-12, Dr. Dan Wilson. A referral should state the reason for the referral and what testing, school intervention or other documentation (if any) was done prior to the referral.
A referral may be made by:
- A student’s parent
- A professional staff member of the school district in which the student resides (principal)
- A licensed physician
- The commissioner or designee of a public agency with responsibility for welfare, health or education of the child
- For purposes of referring one’s self, a student who is over 18 years of age or an emancipated minor, who is eligible to attend the public schools of the district
Multidisciplinary Evaluation
After a referral has been made, many professionals must evaluate the student to determine his/her strengths and weaknesses. The professionals include, but are not limited to: School Psychologists, School Nurse, Service Providers (Speech, Occupational Therapists, and Physical Therapists), Counselors, and School Physician.
The District will complete an initial evaluation of the student within 60 days of receiving parental consent for the evaluation.
This evaluation includes:
- A physical examination
- An individual psychological evaluation, except when a school psychologist determines after an assessment of a school-age student, that further evaluation is not necessary
- A social history
- An observation of the student in the educational placement
- Other appropriate assessments or evaluations
Once the evaluation is completed a CSE meeting will be held to review the results. This must be held within 60 days from the date of consent to test.
We invite and encourage our parents to visit the following links on Special Education in
New York State:
- Parental rights: http://www.p12/
- Transition Coordination sites:
- Parent Website:
Other Important Websites and Resources
Legal Resources for Special Needs
Keeping Disabled Persons Safe While Remodeling
Creating a Home Where Your Disabled Child can Thrive
Teacher Resources for Special Needs
Disability and Credit Scores
Home Accommodations for Special Needs
Disability Resources from the Department of Labor
Tips for Disabled Persons to Declutter and Organize their Home
Financial Planning for Special Needs