Attendance Policy
Bully Prevention
Visit our Bully Prevention Webpage
Child Abuse & Maltreatment Reporting and Available Resources for Families
- State Central Registry operated by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) 1-800-342-3720. OCFS has invested in primary child abuse prevention programs and services that support the well-being of children and families in New York State.
- HEARS Family Line (1-888-554-3277) will assist families by providing resources and referrals to various services, including food, clothing, housing, medical and behavioral healthcare, parenting education, and childcare.
Cats Care Room
Catskill CSD’s Cats Care Room can assist families with clothing, personal care items, school supplies, and other essentials during difficult times. If you/your family is struggling financially, we invite you to fill out our Cats Care Use Form. For more information call 518-943-0574 or email
Code of Conduct
Complaint Procedures
CCSD Complaint Procedures
The Catskill Central School District believes that concerns regarding your child or school are best addressed by the District personnel who are in a position to most effectively resolve the issue. Families are requested to follow the District’s procedures and address their concerns with the appropriate personnel.
1. Teacher – classroom concerns
2. Principal – concerns about school operations or if a meeting with the teacher does not resolve the issue;
3. Superintendent – concerns about District operations or if further assistance is required to resolve the issue.
NYSED Complaint Procedures
Please visit the New York State Education Department’s New York State ESSA-Funded Programs Complaint Procedures website
Data Security & Privacy
Visit our Data Security & Privacy Information webpage
District-Wide Safety Plan
View 2024-2025 District Wide Safety Plan
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
Visit our ESSA information webpage
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Mental Health Crisis Plan
CCSD Mental Health Crisis Plan
NYS School Report Card
Catskill Central School District NYS School Report Card
Parent/Community Involvement Groups
Catskill Athletics Booster Club
Catskill Music Parent and Student Association
Catskill Secondary Schools Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO)
CES Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
CCSD now uses ParentSquare for school-related notifications to our families. Learn more by visiting our ParentSquare page…
Parent/Student Portal
Parents and students can access student information through our parent/student portal. You can view grades, assignments, progress reports, schedules and more! Just log in with your school username and password (parents should contact your school to get yours). Below is the link to the webpage where parents and students can log in, as well as an informational document that will walk you through how to use all the features.
- Student Portal Info
- Parent/Student Portal Login
- URL for SchoolTool App
CCSD Mindfulness Resource Center