Central Registrar

Nuala Jubie – Systems Information Specialist
343 West Main Street
Catskill, New York 12414
Telephone (518) 943-2300 ext. 1401
Fax: (518)-719-7116

Hours of Registration are by appointment Monday through Friday. Please call for an appointment.

Required Enrollment Documents

  • Proof of Residency: Three (3) proofs of residency within the school district that include the name and address of a parent or guardian and are dated within the previous 30 days.
    Documents accepted: executed lease agreement, executed purchase offer agreement, tax bill, rental agreement, mortgage statements, utility bill-{gas, oil, electric, telephone, cable, etc}, income tax return)
  • Proof of Date of Birth: Your child’s original birth certificate or passport, or other proof of age
  • Immunization Record / Physician Health Form / Dental Form: Public Health Law 2164 requires immunizations be received prior to a child being allowed to enter school.
  • Picture I.D. of the Parent/Guardian: Driver’s License or Non-Driver I.D.
  • Custody Papers: If applicable are required
  • Academic Records: Including transcripts, recent report cards and any Special Education Plan should be presented at registration. If your child has received special education services or accommodation through an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a Section 504, please sign consent for the release of special education records so that special education services can begin as soon as possible.

