Students looking at cafeteria

5th Graders Tour CMS

As part of their transition process into sixth grade, the fifth grade made a morning visit to Catskill Middle School on June 12. They heard from CMS assistant principal Annie Coager and a panel of sixth, seventh, and eighth graders about the school and what to expect for next school year. Then the middle school […]

top ten seniors holding respective numbers on CHS stage

Catskill High School’s Top 10 Seniors – Class of 2024

The Catskill High School Class of 2024’s highest-ranking students based on weighted grade point averages are: Valedictorian Ian Fitzmaurice, son of Lisa and William Fitzmaurice of Catskill, plans to attend the University of Miami next year to major in Biology on the pre-med track. He attended the New Visions Medical Program at Questar III during […]

Catskill Central School District

Letter from Dr. Wilson Addressing False Rumors

Good Evening Catskill Central School District Community, It has been brought to my attention that there are rumors in regards to the potential termination of a particular staff member prior to the end of the school year. This rumor is untrue. While our district does not generally respond to rumors, I wanted to respond due […]

Integrity  •  Perseverance  •  Compassion