Letter from Dr. Wilson Addressing False Rumors

Good Evening Catskill Central School District Community,

It has been brought to my attention that there are rumors in regards to the potential termination of a particular staff member prior to the end of the school year. This rumor is untrue. While our district does not generally respond to rumors, I wanted to respond due to the potential disruption and negative impacts this misinformation could cause on our campus. False rumors such as these can be detrimental to our school, community and, most concerning, our students. The end of the school year is an important time, particularly for our high school students. Regents exams are just around the corner and so is graduation, with all the special happenings and events that come with it. This is a time for celebrating all of our students’ hard work and accomplishments, together, as a community. Please join us in this celebration.   


Dr. Dan Wilson
Superintendent of Schools


Posted in District.