CES Playground Equipment Project Moves Forward

At its July 2 meeting, the Catskill Board of Education approved the purchase and installation of new playground equipment and resurfacing of the playground area at Catskill Elementary School (see renderings). The project will replace playground equipment that was installed in 2002 and removed in December, 2023 after a safety inspection uncovered age-related deterioration that made the equipment structurally unsound.

The cost of the equipment, installation, and resurfacing totals $370,910 and will be covered almost entirely by funds approved for facilities improvements through the District’s 2019 Capital Improvement Project referendum. In addition, the CES PTA donated $18,210 to pay for the purchase of a 35’ x 35’ sunshade structure, which will create a shaded outdoor play and instructional area at CES.

The playground equipment will be installed later this school year, an exact date for which remains to be determined.

overview of playground equipment plan


Posted in District, Elementary School.