8th Grade Moving Up

For our 8th Grade Moving Up ceremony we are going to create a video and place it on the school's website and on Mid Hudson Cable Channel 11 on June 12th at 7:00 p.m. This will allow students and family to watch the premier together.

Wave Parade

Catskill Central School District has planned a final Wave Parade to spread cheer to our students as we head into the summer. A motorcade of faculty and staff from all three schools will be driving through our community on Monday June 15th starting about 3:00 p.m. Here is our parade route for June 15: West […]

Virtual Town Hall on Reopening of School 

Dr. Cook, Superintendent of Schools, will provide our parents and community with an overview of the District’s Reopening of Schools Plan. The meeting will take place via Zoom webinar at: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/74760872219?pwd=U0dZSWxVdG1abnk5UURUclNrczRIZz09 Meeting ID: 747 6087 2219 Passcode: 6JUbFk

Virtual Town Hall Meeting on Reopening School

Topic: Virtual Town Hall Meeting #1 for Parents and the Community Time: Aug 15, 2020 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85824048523?pwd=RnNWNGVJTEZVbTFXWWZwRkhjUmNIZz09 Meeting ID: 858 2404 8523 Passcode: 311509