Catskill High School congratulates senior McKenzie Bruenig-Smith for being named a DAR Good Citizen. The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Good Citizens Program and Scholarship Contest recognizes outstanding high school seniors who exhibit the qualities of good citizenship in their homes, schools, and communities.
The CHS guidance department selected McKenzie for this honor because she demonstrates the DAR Good Citizen qualities of Dependability, Service, Leadership, and Patriotism. During a virtual meeting, the DAR’s local On-Ti-Ora chapter recognized McKenzie and awarded her with a certificate, pin, card, and scholarship.
As a DAR Good Citizen, McKenzie had the opportunity to write an essay for the essay contest portion of the program. McKenzie chose to write about the contributions to civil rights made by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. The On-Ti-Ora chapter judged her essay and approved it to go on to compete at the NSDAR district level for state and possibly national funds.