Students looking at cafeteria

5th Graders Tour CMS

As part of their transition process into sixth grade, the fifth grade made a morning visit to Catskill Middle School on June 12. They heard from CMS assistant principal Annie Coager and a panel of sixth, seventh, and eighth graders about the school and what to expect for next school year. Then the middle school […]

top ten seniors holding respective numbers on CHS stage

Catskill High School’s Top 10 Seniors – Class of 2024

The Catskill High School Class of 2024’s highest-ranking students based on weighted grade point averages are: Valedictorian Ian Fitzmaurice, son of Lisa and William Fitzmaurice of Catskill, plans to attend the University of Miami next year to major in Biology on the pre-med track. He attended the New Visions Medical Program at Questar III during […]

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