November Letter to Families

Dear Catskill High School Families,

We want to take this time to thank the overall Catskill Community of parents, guardians, students, and
our dedicated teachers and staff for making this a successful beginning of the school year despite the
many changes that had to occur due to the pandemic.

We would like to provide you with some important dates and events that will occur for Cats Nation.
★ Tuesday, November 3rd, which is election day, Catskill Central School District will be closed for
all students. Staff development for all staff.

★ Wednesday, November 11th, Catskill Central School District will be closed in observance of
Veteran’s Day. All school buildings will be closed and there will be no school for students.

★ Thursday, November 19th and Friday, November 20th will be 10:30am dismissal days for
Parent-Teacher Conferences. All conferences will be held virtually using google meet. Any
parent or guardian that has an interest in scheduling a conference please contact us at
518-943-2300 to set up a meeting.

★ Tuesday, November 24th will be an emergency early release drill. All students will be
dismissed at 2pm.

★ Wednesday, November 25th to Friday, November 27th is Thanksgiving recess. No school for
students those three days.

The vision of CHS faculty, staff, and administration along with partners in the community is to ensure
we are continuing to provide a safe haven where teachers can teach and students continue to learn.
Feel free to call with concerns and questions at (518) 943-2300.

Ronald Jackson, Interim Principal

Nicole Chaluisan, Assistant Principal

Posted in High School.