Three Catskill Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) members attended the 2023 FCCLA National Leadership Conference in Denver, CO with advisor Kelly Morino July 2-6. At the conference, our students were able to network with over 8,000 students from across the country, participate in leadership workshops, and compete in Students Take Action with Recognition (STAR) Events at the national level.
STAR Events are contests in which members demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and abilities to actively identify an issue concerning families, careers, or communities, research the topic, and develop and implement a project. Leon Hong’s Focus on Children and Liam Mariani’s Chapter Service Project both received Silver awards!
Also during the conference, Catskill’s Madison Breunig-Smith, who became the 2023-2024 FCCLA NYS Vice President of Competitive Events and National Programs this spring, attended officer training and helped facilitate NYS meetings.
Congratulations to Leon, Liam, Madison, and our FCCLA!