Here at Catskill CSD, Cats really do care! Our District held a ribbon cutting for our Cats Care Room located at Catskill Elementary School. Thanks to the generosity of our community, the Cats Care Room is stocked with clean weather-appropriate clothes, socks, underwear, school supplies, personal hygiene items, cleaning supplies, and other essential resources that are available at no cost to our students and their families in times of need. It is open to Catskill students pre-k through 12 by appointment.
The idea of a Cats Care Room was born during one of our District’s Family Engagement Committee meetings last year. This initiative is grant funded and has been made possible through the support of community organizations such as the Catskill Education Foundation,Catskill Community Center, Girl Scout Troop 5517 and Daisy Troop 5553, Target, Home Depot, and the countless clothing donations from community members collected during recent drives. We are always seeking donations of items (right now we are particularly in need of elastic-waistband pants, headphones, winter boots, and new lunchboxes). To schedule an appointment or to donate, please contact the CES Main Office at (518) 943-0574 ext. 3306. Cat Can and Cats will!