student shakes hands with Mrs. Schlenker

Moving Up Day Ceremony

Congratulations to all our 5th graders heading into 6th grade next school year! To celebrate this important milestone, Catskill Elementary School hosted a Moving Up Day Ceremony on June 22 honoring our 5th graders. Before an audience of hundreds of family members and school staff, principal John Rivers called the students to the stage, one […]

The Secondary Marching Band

2017 Memorial Day Parade

Students from all three Catskill schools helped honor our men and women in uniform for their service to our country. Pictured here is the Catskill Marching Band, which includes students from both the High School and Middle School, who lent their talents to Town of Catskill’s Memorial Day Parade. Catskill Elementary School’s Business Club and Student Council also marched in the […]

Spring Sprint Competitors on bikes at the finish line

Catskill Spring Rush

The Catskill High School Business Club hosted the twelfth annual Catskill Spring Rush triathlon on May 20th. The event is organized by the Catskill High School Marketing class under the guidance of their teacher, Mr. Patrick Hernandez. With the sun shining and student organizers in place the race was ready to begin. Athletes, participating in […]

students stamp thumbprints onto cat statue

Students Leave Their Mark On “Pawprint”

Catskill Elementary School students painted a cat statue for this year’s Cat’n Around Catskill event put on by the Heart of Catskill, so keep your eyes peeled around town for Pawprint the CES Cat! Our “CES Paw Prints to Success” project was sponsored by the Catskill Teachers Association and developed by art teacher Jennifer Allison, […]

Voting Results, May 16, 2017

Proposition #1 – 2017-2018 School Budget PASSED: 489 Yes – 156 No Proposition #2 – Capital Reserve Fund PASSED: 476 Yes – 154 No Proposition #3 – Catskill Public Library Budget PASSED: 492 Yes – 152 No   Board of Education: Deborah Johnson: 418 votes- elected to 3-year term + (May 17, 2017 – June 30, 2020) Kyle […]