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Virtual Parent Reentry Guide – Social & Emotional Support Workshop September 3

The District will be facilitating our Virtual Parent Reentry Guide – Social and Emotional Support Workshop for Parents to Help Their Children During the 100% Virtual Instruction Period on Thursday, September 3, 7:00 p.m. via Zoom webinar. The purpose of this workshop is to provide our parents with resources to support their child’s social and emotional […]

Catskill Central School District

Learning Model Surveys Due August 21

A reminder to our families that the learning model choice surveys mailed home last week must be returned by Friday, August 21, 2020. Please complete the survey and return it to the District in the postage-paid envelope provided. You can also place the completed survey in the drop box that is located behind the Superintendent’s […]

Video: Catskill CSD’s New Normal

The Catskill Central School District is rolling out our plans for a safe return to the 2020-21 school year. This video details the new procedures that will be part of the “new normal” at Catskill schools. More information on reopening is posted to our COVID-19 Response and Resources page…