Major Jonah Brown

Catskill Grad Does F-15 Fly Over

United States Air Force major and Catskill graduate Jonah Brown flew over Catskill in his F-15 fighter jet on June 8 at approximately 9:00 a.m. His flight path made a low-level flyby flight over the Catskill Elementary School.

Important Message from Dr. Cook

June 4, 2018 Dear Catskill CSD community: As we near toward the end of the school year, I wanted to remind you of some important calendar shifts for this week. On Tuesday, June 5, 2018 (tomorrow), a New York State Global Regents Exam is scheduled. As a result, our High School is in session only […]

painting of Pueblo Scene

CHS Art Club Gallery Show May 31-June 14

The Catskill High School Art Club will be exhibiting their artwork in a gallery setting at the Frisbee Agency on Main St., Catskill. An Opening Reception will be held from 5:00-7:00 p.m. on May 31 for family, friends, teachers, and others who would like to support the students’ efforts and talent. There will be snacks […]

Dr. Cook’s Response to the Santa Fe High School Shooting

May 18, 2018 Dear Catskill CSD Community: This letter is in response to the recent school shooting incident that occurred at Santa Fe High School, Santa Fe, Texas. First and foremost, my thoughts, prayers and condolences go out to all affected families. These senseless tragedies remind us that life is precious and the importance of […]

Letter from Dr. Cook Providing Clarification to Daily Mail Article

May 10, 2018 Dear Catskill CSD Community: This morning, I was provided with a copy of the Daily Mail. The front page of the paper read: Catskill CSD budgets 32% salary increase for business admin.; Superintendent says district will save money. The headline of the paper startled me as it would do to the average reader. Mr. Richard […]

Board Adopts Proposed 2018-19 School Budget

Dear Catskill CSD Community: On Tuesday, April 17, 2018, the Board of Education approved the proposed 2018-2019 school district budget. The recommended budget shows a 4.61% increase from the previous budget for a total amount of $41,793,028. The tax levy increase is 3.03%, which is within the State’s allowable tax cap. In a few weeks, […]