Ratboy Jr. on CES stage

CES Welcome Back BBQ

Catskill Elementary School hosted a giant barbecue event on September 15th to welcome our students and families to the new school year. Over 740 people gathered on the CES playground to connect with their school community and enjoy hamburgers, hot dogs and activities.

girl waves after getting off the bus

Welcome Back! The 2017-18 School Year is Here!

It’s great to see all those smiling faces in our hallways, classrooms, on the playground, on the bus, everywhere! Catskill kicked off the 2017-18 school year with our first day of school September 6th. Here are some of our first photos of the new school year from across our district:

painters from Dan the Handy Man painting CES hallway

Building Improvements Abound at CES this Summer

Just because our students have been away on break does not mean CES has been a quiet place this summer; a lot is happening here as we prepare our school for the start of the 2017-18 school year! Some exciting improvements include: Dan the Handyman brightening up our school with a fresh coat of paint in every hallway. Huber Enterprises installing […]

Register a Kindergartner:

If you have a child who will be 5 years of age by December 1, 2017 they are eligible to start Kindergarten. Parents are encouraged to register incoming Kindergartners as early as possible. This ensures paperwork is all set before the start of school. Kindergarten Registration Packet Kindergarten Infromation Presentation Welcome to Kindergarten Flyer If […]

School Meals Now Free for All Catskill Students

We are delighted to inform you that Catskill CSD will be implementing the Community Eligibility Provision meal certification program for the 2017-2018 school year. All Catskill CSD students are now eligible to receive school meals at no charge to their families.

Music campers rehearsing for their upcoming musical on the CHS stage

CMPSA Summer Music Camp

To show off all their talents, CMPSA Summer Music Camp students will put on a concert featuring band and chorus performances, as well as a musical production of “A Kid’s Life,” August 2 at 11:00 a.m. in the Catskill High School auditorium. Learn more…

students filming scene for their movie

Student Films on the Big Screen

Catskill Central School District’s Media Camp hosted its annual Summer Film Festival at the Community Theatre on Main Street, Catskill on July 25. The screening of fifteen student short films was the culminating event of a month-long digital media adventure. Throughout July, 50 students from 5th grade up through high school participated in the Media Camp, during which time they […]

CES Summer Math Practice

Students K – 5 have been given math work to complete over the summer. It is not mandatory, but is recommended. There are many rewards for completing this work, but no consequences for not participating. More info…  

teachers wave goodbuy to students on buses

See you in September!

June 22 was the last day of classes for the 2016-17 school year. Catskill Elementary School has a tradition on the last day of school, where all the faculty and staff crowd the sidewalks to wave goodbye to the students as the busses roll out of the parking lot for the last time before summer […]

student shakes hands with Mrs. Schlenker

Moving Up Day Ceremony

Congratulations to all our 5th graders heading into 6th grade next school year! To celebrate this important milestone, Catskill Elementary School hosted a Moving Up Day Ceremony on June 22 honoring our 5th graders. Before an audience of hundreds of family members and school staff, principal John Rivers called the students to the stage, one […]