CES Summer Math Practice

Students K – 5 have been given math work to complete over the summer. It is not mandatory, but is recommended. There are many rewards for completing this work, but no consequences for not participating. More info…  

Catskill Welcomes New Superintendent

Catskill Central Schools is pleased to welcome Dr. Ronel Cook as our new Superintendent of Schools. Dr. Cook officially took the reins of the District July 1st, 2017. Cook has more than 22 years of leadership experience in urban-suburban school districts in the Hudson Valley. He comes to Catskill from the Poughkeepsie City School District, where […]

Last Day of School!

 June 22 was the last day of classes for the 2016-17 school year. Catskill Elementary School has a tradition on the last day of school, where all the faculty and staff crowd the sidewalks to wave goodbye to the students as the busses roll out of the parking lot for the last time before summer […]

teachers wave goodbuy to students on buses

See you in September!

June 22 was the last day of classes for the 2016-17 school year. Catskill Elementary School has a tradition on the last day of school, where all the faculty and staff crowd the sidewalks to wave goodbye to the students as the busses roll out of the parking lot for the last time before summer […]

CMS staff wave and give out hugs as students leave for summer break

Last Day of School!

June 22 was the last day of classes for the 2016-17 school year. Catskill Middle School faculty were out by the buses at dismissal time to see the students off, give out hugs, and wish them well for the summer. See you when classes resume September 6th!

student shakes hands with Mrs. Schlenker

Moving Up Day Ceremony

Congratulations to all our 5th graders heading into 6th grade next school year! To celebrate this important milestone, Catskill Elementary School hosted a Moving Up Day Ceremony on June 22 honoring our 5th graders. Before an audience of hundreds of family members and school staff, principal John Rivers called the students to the stage, one […]