students painting animal in cave painting style

Cave Art Project Connects Students with Early People

In 6th grade social studies, students have been learning about early people. As part of their journey backward into the Stone Age, students tried their hand at a little prehistoric art! Shown here are students in Mrs. Hedges’ class working on Neolithic Era cave paintings. The class first studied photographs and video of ancient cave paintings that survive today. The students […]

OSC Completes Audit of Catskill School District

The Office of the New York State Comptroller has recently published the results of an audit of the Financial Management of the Catskill Central School District covering the time period of July 1, 2015 through March 28, 2017.  The audit report can be found on our CCSD Comptroller Audit 2017 information webpage.

Pawprint cat being auctioned off

Pawprint Profits Community

The cat Catskill Elementary School students painted for this year’s Cat’n Around Catskill event earned some serious “scratch” for the community at the event’s annual gala and auction September 23. “Pawprint,” which incorporates a cat’s paw motif of finger and thumb prints stamped onto it by every student in our school, sold for $700 and will now go to live with its new owner across the river in […]

Ratboy Jr. on CES stage

CES Welcome Back BBQ

Catskill Elementary School hosted a giant barbecue event on September 15th to welcome our students and families to the new school year. Over 740 people gathered on the CES playground to connect with their school community and enjoy hamburgers, hot dogs and activities.

girl waves after getting off the bus

Welcome Back! The 2017-18 School Year is Here!

It’s great to see all those smiling faces in our hallways, classrooms, on the playground, on the bus, everywhere! Catskill kicked off the 2017-18 school year with our first day of school September 6th. Here are some of our first photos of the new school year from across our district: