Contact the Board

Feel free to contact the Board at any time regarding decisions and actions the Board has made or regarding Board policies. However, other concerns/questions should be addressed first to the school personnel closest to the situation. This procedure informs them of the concern/question and allows them to take appropriate action, as required. If the situation is not resolved at the first level, go to the next level in this order of contact:

Contact the Board

Level 1 – A classroom question or complaint.
Contact: Classroom Teacher


Level 2 – General school operations or a complaint that could not be resolved by a teacher.
Contact: Building Principal


Level 3 – An issue about the following areas that was not resolved with the Building Principal.
Transportation Contact: Transportation Coordinator
Food Service Contact: Director of Food Services
Building & Grounds Contact: Facilities Office 
Pupil Personnel (Special Education) Contact: Assistant Superintenedent of Pupil Personnel


Level 4 – School district operations or if issue was not resolved in Levels 1-3.
Contact: Superintendent of Schools

Nuala Jubie – Administrative Assistant


Level 5 – Board policy or actions; issues not resolved by Superintendent ( Level 4 ).
Contact: Board of Education

Nuala Jubie – Board Clerk
Records Access Officer
Phone: 518-943-4696
Fax: 518-943-7116
343 W. Main St., Catskill, NY 12414