I am a lifelong Catskill resident who went through the Catskill School system, graduating from CHS in 1983 and Columbia-Greene Community College with a degree in accounting in 1985. My wife Lori and I have been married for 29 years and our daughter graduated from CHS in 2016. Our son is a senior in the CHS class of 2024 and will be graduating this June.
In 1989 I began a 32 year career with the New York State Police with nearly 20 years of that in a supervisory role. Since 1998, I have been a local baseball and softball umpire, currently serving as both President of the Columbia-Greene Umpires Association and Board of Director for the Capital District Softball Umpires Association.
After retirement, I was elected to the Village of Catskill Board of Trustees, serving until 2024. In both of these roles, I became very knowledgeable in the proper handling of personnel matters and with the Village, was able to assist in the formulation of multi-million dollar budgets set on maintaining services while doing so with as minimal effect to the taxpayer as possible. If elected, I would bring both of the skills to the CSD Board of Education.
I believe in a transparent system that listens to its constituents, fosters strong communication with its partners and is forward thinking. If elected, I am committed to help enact or amend policies and procedures that address the needs of the district while ensuring that the students are put first. School administration should be collaborating with its campus administrators, faculty and support staff to ensure a positive working environment. If this is done, the district will be able to recruit, train and retain the best educators which will benefit every student in the district.